The Combined Account Report has been modified so that the fiscal year, fiscal month, and budget identification are selected on a separate screen. Once the execute button is engaged on this screen, the range screen for the report will display. This change not only allows use of the default budget year (from the taskbar), but it will allow you to save screen defaults (personal, site, or group) for the report’s range options as desired. Only budget identifications for the selected fiscal year will appear in the browse.
The Combined Account Report will show estimated revenues and appropriations for the selected budget identification. Appropriately named budget identifications facilitate the use of this report (i.e., the appropriations and estimated revenue budgets should have the same budget identification). There is never a need to incorporate the fiscal year in the name of the budget identification as the fiscal year is automatically a component of all budgets.

Release notes for 4.1.4-46711 2025 Federal tax tables and deductions updates 2025 FICA and FICA-M wage and withholding limit updated 2024 1094/1095 B/C electronic filing...