How to Effectively Communicate Through Digital Mediums

How to Effectively Communicate Through Digital Mediums

Communication in the workplace has become completely digitized. No more printing out notices or handwriting letters. With the click of a button, you can send out multiple emails to clients at once or notify your staff of updates via Slack, Asana, or Microsoft Teams; three of the many platforms used for team communication.

Three ways to effectively communicate through digital mediums in the workplace are to:

1) make your comments count on team communication platforms and social media accounts,

2) use precise and thorough documentation, and

3) write efficient and engaging emails.

Make Your Comments Count!

When commenting on team projects or social media accounts, use clear and concise language, and make your comments as brief as possible. You shouldnโ€™t be writing a book in your comments unless more explanation is needed. When commenting on your organizationโ€™s social media accounts in response to questions, be as brief and professional in your explanation as possible (unless of course a longer explanation is required). And even then, you can ask to communicate with the client via email.

Use Precise and Thorough Documentation

Document tasks as much as possible and be precise and intentional with your language. Say what you mean. Donโ€™t beat around the bush. Since most communication among team members is done digitally, and many workers are remote, employees need to be able to understand your intentions the first time around. If your language is verbose and confusing, your documentation accomplishes nothing except to confuse people. Precise documentation leaves a clear digital paper trail that improves collaboration and helps your organization work more efficiently.

Write Engaging Emails

To engage your clients and team members, you need to write engaging emails that evoke an emotional response within your readership. Not only should they elicit an emotional response, but they also need to be thorough with the information that youโ€™re trying to share. According to statistics, โ€œWorkers spend an average of 209 minutes every day checking their emails.โ€ You should also try to consolidate some emails, and even eliminate a few altogether. Itโ€™s less time-consuming to read and your staff will thank you in the long run.

Digital Communications Going Forward

The great thing about effective digital communication is that the same rules apply here as they do for traditional, handwritten communication. If you remember to be professional, thorough, concise, and as brief as possible (when appropriate), youโ€™ve got this communication thing in the bag! If youโ€™re ever in doubt as to how to communicate via digital channels, just imagine how you would like others to communicate with you and go from there.

About RDA

RDAโ€™s innovative ERP software provides meaningful transparency and access for your community and staff, along with powerful insights into data. The RDA Solution is hosted in the Cloud, providing regular backups, product updates and concierge support, ensuring that clients feel confident and are successful with their new software.

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