A new report has been created forย OpenRDAย and added to the Reports menu in Payroll (General Payroll Info, Job Pay Reports). The Job Pay Rate Units report lists information from the Job Pay Rate Master file (Pay ID, Pay Date, Start Date, End Date, Pay Rate, Remarks, Rate ID, and Units). Also included are Job Number, Position ID, and Gross ID (from the job pay master), Description (from the job master) and Hours Per Day. The adjustment rates (rate contains ADJUST) and the LEAVE DOCKED rate identification can be excluded (skipped) if desired. This report can also be printed with rate totals only (no detailed pay identification info). Amounts in the Hours column for the DAILY rate IDs are the result of multiplying the Units by Hours per Day. Hours Per day are either in the Gross ID/Definition (Position Tracking) or the Job Master (Payroll) depending on your setup. The primary purpose for this report was to provide a means to easily report unit-based rates with conversion of the daily rate to hours.


Product Date:ย Tuesday, June 25, 2013


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