Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving from RDA Systems

At this time of Thanksgiving, we pause to count our blessings. The freedom of this great country in which we live. The opportunities to serve others. The friendship and confidence you have shown in us. For all of these things, we are deeply thankful.


RDA holiday hours:

Wednesday, Nov 23rd we will close at 3pm
Thursday, Nov 24th closed
Friday, Nov 25th closed

Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

The Team at RDA


5 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. We wish the same for our RDA team. Yes, this is the time to pause and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all our blessings. I, too, am deeply thankful for the support and kindness of the RDA team. I pray for God’s blessing in your lives as we celebrate this special holiday.

    Your friends at Page County Public Schools.

  2. Thank you RDA Staff for all your help through this year with all my little issues. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Happy Holidays to everyone! I pray that this Holiday season is a joyous one for all staff members at RDA. You guys are awesome and always willing to lend a helping hand. You deserve peace and joy during this holiday season and always!


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