Home for the Holidays…2018 Conferences Come to an End

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Thatโ€™s a wrap on our 2018 conference schedule! We finished up this fall with School Board conferences in North Dakota, Georgia and Tennessee. It is always good to meet new faces at these shows but it is especially nice to see the familiar faces of our users!

Leah Hollingshead was our RDA representative in beautiful Bismarck, ND for the NDSBA conference. While she was there, Leah also hosted our annual ND User Group meeting. She said the best part of the meeting was seeing RDA users actively helping other RDA users! ย There was so much conversation that Leah did not get a chance to take a group photo. She did manage to catch a few of our users walking around during the conference. We will definitely get all of you next time ND users! Thank you for attending!

ND users: Tabi Schneider (Glen Ullin Public Schools), Paulette Elder (Hebron Public Schools) and Bernadine Jorgenson (White Shield School District)

Sherri Melton and Mimi English tag teamed the GASBO conference in Augusta, Georgia. As always, there was a big turnout with school districts big and small represented from all over the state. The conference had an โ€œadventureโ€ theme this year, and while Sherri and Mimi didnโ€™t do anything too โ€œadventurousโ€ at the RDA booth, you can see that some of the others in attendance were all in with safari attire and fake mustaches!

Mimi finished the season off in Murfreesboro, TN at the TASBO conference. She made a pit stop along the way to resupply our long time customer, Tullahoma City Schools, with purple pens. Itโ€™s always nice to see the Tullahoma crew! Once arriving in Murfreesboro the temperatures dropped and there was an early arrival of snow flurries! This yearโ€™s TASBO conference was Disney themed. Given the weather conditions outside, it seemed appropriate that Elsa and Olaf lined the convention center hallways!

While itโ€™s back to business as usual at the office for the next few months, we are already looking forward to our travels in 2019. ย Both conferences and user group meetings will be on the schedule for this spring. We hope to see you soon!

The Team at RDA

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