A new Payroll report has been created for OpenRDA. The Employees without Deductions File is accessed from Payroll’s Verification Reports –> Deductions. It will create
A new Payroll report has been created for OpenRDA. The Employees without Deductions File is accessed from Payroll’s Verification Reports –> Deductions. It will create
A report has been created for OpenRDA that can be used to set (or unset) the new Include for Budgeting field in payroll job masters.
A new report has been created for OpenRDA and added to the Deduction Reports menu. The Payroll Vendor Withholding Register will allow verified vouchers to
The Undo Update Bank Reconciliation process for Vendor Withholding Vouchers has been modified to facilitate correction of a voided check which should not have been
The Payroll Registers have been modified so that that units for unit-based jobs will display in the image of the report to the right of
The Job Pay Rate Master Report with Position ID has been modified to allow for optional inclusion of Job Totals. This is indicated on the
The Employees by Pay Group report has been modified to allow ranging on Personnel Class, Contract Months, Contract Days, and Hours Per Day. This report
The Payroll Registers have been modified so that that units for unit-based jobs will display in the image of the report to the right of
So that only the payroll check styles the organization is actually using display on the Continue tab of the Payroll module task bar (OpenRDA), new
So that only the vendor withholding check styles the organization is actually using display on the Checks/EFTs tab of Payroll’s Vendor Withholding task bar (OpenRDA),
The report for mass changing employee deduction amounts has been modified so that deduction amounts can be easily changed when pay frequencies (number of pays)
The December 19, 2012, programs release contains a new feature that simplifies the annual process for updating tax tables and tax deduction descriptions for tax
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