What Are Modern ERP Systems and How Do They Work

What Are Modern ERP Systems and How Do They Work?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System is software that โ€œmanages a companyโ€™s financials, supply chain, operations, commerce, reporting, manufacturing, and human resource activities.โ€ Itโ€™s your organizationโ€™s central hub for data sourcing and storing. Legacy ERP Systems were slow, antiquated, and didnโ€™t provide remote access (Can you imagine?). Thankfully, technology has come a long way since the 20th century. Modern ERP Systems can interface well with other systems, are faster and more reliable, and save time and money by automating processes. They are also Cloud-hosted, so you have the peace of mind of knowing your data is safe and secure.

Specifically, modern school ERP systems are advantageous because they help manage daily administrative tasks and provide a centralized location for a school districtโ€™s data. To find out information, you donโ€™t need to call or send a representative from one school to another within the same district if they are all connected through one ERP System. Simply log in to the system and get the information you need. ย Additionally, most modern school ERP systems provide access to studentsโ€™ attendance records, progress reports, school news, and upcoming events. This central data source improves communication between school and parents, easing stress and worry.

In the same manner, municipal ERP systems provide a centralized location for data, supports remote and mobile access to information for government officials and constituents, and give constituents a streamlined user experience. Imagine how convenient it is to have a system that efficiently presents reports and statistics to all constituents and team members, instead of government workers having to dole out impractical spreadsheets that wastepaper, or use outdated legacy systems that simply are not reliable.

Thinking about swapping your antiquated ERP system for a modern version? Contact RDA to learn more about our modern, automated, cloud-hosted ERP solutions and schedule a demonstration with our team.

About RDA

RDAโ€™s innovative ERP software provides meaningful transparency and access for your community and staff, along with powerful insights into data. The RDA Solution is hosted in the Cloud, providing regular backups, product updates and concierge support, ensuring that clients feel confident and are successful with their new software.

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